Galentine’s Day… Where did this idea come from? Sure, it sounds catchy, and who doesn’t love their girl group? All the brunches and girl trips. What at a time!
Am I the only one who sees this as another attempt at self-sabotage? We will sit around the campfire of girl code instead of prioritizing attaining the relationship and the family that we want. Really? Do we need another slay day, ladies? We already celebrate friendship on any given Sunday with brunch. And we have our birthday girl trips. Then there’s our ladies’ night for the life upgrades of licensing, promotion, and graduation!
When are we racking up the life skills that impact my ability to draw in a suitable partner and foster that relationship end goal?

Let’s quickly get to deciphering family pathways and getting Top Shelf Wife behaviors on our resume!
Galentine’s supports gals. Yes? How many of you are like me? I’ll throw an event together, no matter what city or country. That’s a skill that supports community and connection. I’m here for it.
Who’s going to break girl code and start giving attention to expanding into the spaces of worthy men? This expansion doesn’t deserve to be on the back-burner any more. Use Feb 14 for that if you want a masculine framework in which to grow family, cover your children, and nurture the flow of love and femininity now is the time to put Val back in Valentines. #lol Part 3 gives some ideas how.
It’s your choice, but make it now.
When we choose to prioritize men and marriage, we choose to open our spirit to honor men who are present in our lives in meaningful ways. That’s what we want, right?
We choose to show gratitude for their provision and protection in our lives. That’s what we want, right?
When we choose to give feminine gifts of nurturing to men in return for their presence, provision and protection it feels good. Choosing to give back to men who give to us is important! It builds confidence in femininity, reduces our fears of the past, and solidifies our ability to be in communion with men. Much like we have grown into loving communion with the women in our lives. But, it takes intention and space to choose those men who are worthy.
So, don’t follow blindly into this ‘Galentine’ fad while separating your heart from a Valentine. Gal-entines don’t support family and marriage, a Valentine does.
Instead of jumping on the bandwagon of Galentine’s Day. How about creating a space for love of the men in your life?
Here’s a list of some things that you could try inspired by the book, The Top Shelf Wife. Pick one and enjoy . . .
1. Host a game night and create a space for friendship to blossom between the sexes.
2. Open your spirit to recognize an honest male friend or family member with words of assurance or some small act of service. Choose one who already helps you shoulder your mental burdens in life.
3. Set the table and invite the men in your life over for dinner and jazz, or whatever ways your hearts connect 🙂
If you’re single, it means that you should be forging a mindset for family pathways with the family that you have or want. Join us in our Family Pathways Community, Facebook group.